Note: This tool is provided “as is” to help users to estimate the likely minimum and maximum size of 2D barcodes with different GS1 syntaxes, scanning environments and error correction levels. It is not intended as a barcode generation tool and the output should not be used in place of production-grade print software. Your use of this tool is subject to the disclaimers provided at the bottom of this screen.
Choose 2D symbol | ||||
Error correction | ||||
Enter any URI (optional): | ||||
GTIN | ||||
^^ Please enter a GTIN as exactly 14 digits | ||||
^^ Invalid GTIN check digit - should be {{gtinCheckDigit}} | ||||
URI stem | ||||
AI | # chrs | |||
{{ex.label}} | {{ex.code}} | {{strlen(s4tData[ex.code])}} of {{ex.maxLength}} | ||
^^ {{cpv}} is invalid. A valid consumer product variant number should not exceed 20 characters, all from the GS1 82-character encodable character set | ||||
^^ {{lot}} is invalid. A valid batch/lot number should not exceed 20 characters, all from the GS1 82-character encodable character set | ||||
^^ {{serial}} is invalid. A valid serial number should not exceed 20 characters, all from the GS1 82-character encodable character set | ||||
{{ex.label}} | {{ex.code}} | |||
{{ex.label}} | {{ex.code}} | |||
{{ex.label}} | {{ex.code}} | |||
^^ {{s4tData[ex.code]}} is invalid. No more than 15 digit characters in total and no more than 9 decimal places after the decimal point may be specified for the value to encode in AI ({{ex.code}}). Please enter only digits and decimal point - do not use decimal comma and do not indicate a currency using a symbol such as $ or a currency code such as USD. |
Where scanned? |
(Using {{sstRef[whichSST]}} of GS1 General Specifications §{{sstSection[whichSST]}}) | ||
Barcode generated using Barcode Writer in Pure JavaScript PDF report generated using PDFkit For questions/feedback about this tool, please contact |
{{moduleCount}}x{{moduleCount}} modules plus a quiet zone of {{whichCode==0 ? "4 modules" : "1 module"}} on each side.
Error correction | Module Count excluding quiet zone | Module Count including quiet zone | Minimum size (mm) | Target size (mm) | Maximum size (mm) |
{{k}} | {{countModulesEncodedData[k]}} x {{countModulesEncodedData[k]}} | {{8+countModulesEncodedData[k]}} x {{8+countModulesEncodedData[k]}} | {{symbolSizeMinimum2(8*quietZone2+countModulesEncodedData[k])}} | {{symbolSizeTarget2(8*quietZone2+countModulesEncodedData[k])}} | {{symbolSizeMaximum2(8*quietZone2+countModulesEncodedData[k])}} |
Module x-dimensions (mm) ➔ | {{symbolSizeMinimum2(1)}} | {{symbolSizeTarget2(1)}} | {{symbolSizeMaximum2(1)}} | ||
Module Count excluding quiet zone | Module Count including quiet zone | Minimum size (mm) | Target size (mm) | Maximum size (mm) |
{{countModulesEncodedData}} x {{countModulesEncodedData}} | {{2+countModulesEncodedData}} x {{2+countModulesEncodedData}} | {{symbolSizeMinimum2(2*quietZone2+countModulesEncodedData)}} | {{symbolSizeTarget2(2*quietZone2+countModulesEncodedData)}} | {{symbolSizeMaximum2(2*quietZone2+countModulesEncodedData)}} |
Module x-dimensions (mm) ➔ | {{symbolSizeMinimum2(1)}} | {{symbolSizeTarget2(1)}} | {{symbolSizeMaximum2(1)}} | |
Module Count excluding quiet zone | Module Count including quiet zone | Minimum size (mm) | Target size (mm) | Maximum size (mm) |
{{countModules(gs1elementString)}} x {{countModules(gs1elementString)}} | {{2+countModules(gs1elementString)}} x {{2+countModules(gs1elementString)}} | {{symbolSizeMinimum2(2*quietZone2+countModules(gs1elementString))}} | {{symbolSizeTarget2(2*quietZone2+countModules(gs1elementString))}} | {{symbolSizeMaximum2(2*quietZone2+countModules(gs1elementString))}} |
Module x-dimensions (mm) ➔ | {{symbolSizeMinimum2(1)}} | {{symbolSizeTarget2(1)}} | {{symbolSizeMaximum2(1)}} |